Extended C:Drive space Using Minitool Partition Wizard and CMD

extended C: Drive Space Using MiniTool and CMD

1. Open the MiniTool application...

2. Right-click on that's Drive you want to Extended like I want to extend C: Drive

3. Select Option Extend

4. You Select space Here According to you from the Next drive how many spaces do you want to 

          take swipe mouse left and right.

5. Then Click on Apply it will take a little time then your Drive is Extended...

Extended C: Drive Space Using CMD line

·        Click on start type CMD open run as administrator,

Extended C Drive Space Using CMD line

·        Type Diskpart in Command box then hit enter,

Extended C Drive Space Using CMD line.

·        Again type below List Volume in Command Box ( All Volume list will show),

Extended C Drive Space Using CMD line 1

·        Which volume extend  like select Volume 3 then hit enter,

Extended C Drive Space Using CMD line 2

·        Type Command extends size=2048 (enter your space) hit enter,

Extended C Drive Space Using CMD line 3

·       Then  Drive 3 space extended successfully,


MiniTool Partition Wizard Download Here

Minitool Partition wizard download

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