Realtime Biometrics - Most Important SQL Query || pawarsolution ||

Most important SQL  Query  for get the realtime live data in SQL Server 

Click below to see query details(क्वेरी की डिटेल देखने के लिए निचे जाएँ )

SELECT - extracts data from a database

UPDATE - updates data in a database

DELETE - deletes data from a database

INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database

CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database

ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database

CREATE TABLE - creates a new table

ALTER TABLE - modifies a table

DROP TABLE - deletes a table

CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)

DROP INDEX - deletes an index

SELECT - extracts data from a database.

UPDATE - updates data in a database.

DELETE - deletes data from a database.

INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database.

CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database.

ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database.

CREATE TABLE - creates a new table.

1. How to Create Database...

   Query - Create Database Pawarsolution

    if you will Enter this Query in SQL then Click on Execute

    and Press F5 Your Database Create Successfully.

Create Database SQL Query Image

2. How to Use Database

You will write to use the database, if you execute the database query, then your database will come to the user.(डेटाबेस को यूस करने के लिए लिखेंगे यूस डेटाबेस क्वेरी को एक्सेक्यूटे करेंगे तो आपका डेटाबेस यूस मैं आ जायेगा)

3. How to Delete the Database

To delete the database, first you have to select the master, after selecting, the query will run(डेटाबेस को डिलीट करने के लिए पहले आपको मास्टर सेलेक्ट करना पड़ेगा सेलेक्ट करने के बाद क्वेरी रन करेंगे ).

Query - Drop Database pawarsolutions

if you want to delete a particular employee and enrollment-

1010. select * from  TblEnroll where EnrollNumber Not in (select top 5 EnrollNumber from TblEnroll)
    delete  from TblEnroll where EnrollNumber Not in (select top 5 EnrollNumber from TblEnroll)

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where PunchDatetime > '2018-09-22 00:00:0' order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2020 order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2021 order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2027 order by PunchDatetime asc

select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch where CONVERT(varchar,Punchdatetime,101)='01/23/2027'

select * from [Tran_MachineRawPunch

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where PunchDatetime > '2018-09-22 00:00:0' order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2020 order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2021 order by PunchDatetime asc

select 1 as DeviceLogId,PunchDatetime,RTRIM(LTRIM(CardNo)) as User_id from [realsoftweb].[dbo].[Tran_MachineRawPunch] where year(PunchDatetime)=2027 order by PunchDatetime asc

select * from [Tran_MachineRawPunch]

select * from delete employee where ID /

select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch where CONVERT(varchar,Punchdatetime,101)='12/31/2020'
select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch order by PunchDatetime desc

delete from Tran_MachineRawPunch where CONVERT(varchar,Punchdatetime,101)='12/31/2020'

Most Important SQL Query for realtime 

check database date and time
backup database realtime to disk=''

backup database realtime to disk=''

backup database realtime to disk='cdrive.bak'

select * from user_card_enroll where card_no='00007284'
--select * from machine_master where machine_no=117
--select * from machine_master where machine_no=999
select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch where machineno=19 and punchdatetime >='2018-12-14 08:00:000' and cardno='00000032' correct
--select * from school_master where school_id=4
--select school_id,* from user_master where eco_id=1614
select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch where CardNo='00007284'
order by cast(punchdatetime as 2018-12-14 13:17:21) desc
select * from Tran_MachineRawPunch where CONVERT(varchar,Punchdatetime,103)='14/12/2018' and CardNo='00000032'  correct

blue white or brown white

update Mst_User set User_Password = 'admin' where USER_NAME ='admin' - correct


update Mst_company set CompanyName = 'Realsoft' where CompanyId ='1'  - correct
Realtime Biometrics

update  Mst_Department set Dept_Name = 'IT' where DeptId = '1'  - correct

Information Technology

select * from Mst_Designation
update Mst_Designation set Desig_Name = 'Support' where DesigId ='1'    - correct


Most important Query for unlocking the Hana sap user
unlock sapb1 user 
unlock sap user 
Unlock hanasap user

User SBODemoIN

select * from OUSR 

update OUSR  set locked='Y'  where USERID='1'

update OUSR  set locked='N'  where USERID='1'


Default Password changer(manager) query (cbs)

update OUSR set "PASSWORD" = 'E362C4E2529C756FE51645701C5D10EF15928E6F', "GROUPS" = '0', "SUPERUSER" = 'Y', "Locked" = 'N', "STData"=NULL, "dType"='H' where "USER_CODE" = 'manager'

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