SSC CGL PAPER 2016 Question and Answer

SSC CGL Paper 2016

Question 1.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
दयेगयेवकप मसेसंबधत शद/अर/संया को चुिनए।
Donkey : Brays :: Monkey : ?
गधा : रकना : बदर : ?
1) Chatters
2) Trumpets
3) Bellows
4) Grunts
Correct Answer: Chatters

Question 2.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
दयेगयेवकप मसेसंबधत शद/अर/संया को चुिनए।
Correct Answer: NOQR

Question 3.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
दयेगयेवकप मसेसंबधत शद/अर/संया को चुिनए।
1 : 8 :: ? :64
1) 25
2) 36
3) 30
4) 27
Correct Answer: 27

For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
दयेगए वकप मसेवषम शद/ अर/ संया युम छांटए ।
1) Swimming
2) Sailing
3) Diving
4) Driving
Correct Answer: Driving
Candidate Answer: Driving
Question 5.
For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
दयेगए वकप मसेवषम शद/ अर/ संया युम छांटए ।
Correct Answer: VDZC
Candidate Answer: VDZC
Question 6.
For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
दयेगए वकप मसेवषम शद/ अर/ संया युम छांटए ।
1) 443
2) 633
3) 821
4) 245
Correct Answer: 633
Candidate Answer: 443
Question 7.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary
िननिलखत शद को शदकोश मदए गए म के अनुसार िलखए।
1. Dyke 2. Dwindle 3. Dwell 4. Dye
1) 3,2,4,1
2) 1,3,4,2
3) 2,1,3,4
4) 3,4,2,1
Correct Answer: 3,2,4,1
Candidate Answer: 3,2,4,1
Question 8.Choose the correct alternative that will replace the question mark in the given series:
सह वकप चुनकर सीरज म िच के थान पर िलखए ।
1) KOS
2) NRV
3) NPS
4) NRU
Correct Answer: NRV
Candidate Answer: NRV
Question 9.Find the wrong number in the series:
सीरज मगलत संया छांटए।
28, 33, 31, 36, 34, 29
1) 33
2) 36
3) 34
4) 29
Correct Answer: 29
Candidate Answer: 29
Question 10.The age of Rakhi is twelve times that of her daughter Anubha. If age of Anubha is 3 years now, then what was the age of Rakhi, 2 years earlier?
राखी क आयुउसक पुी (अनुभा) क आयुक 12 गुनी है। यद अनुभा क आयु 3 वषहै। तो 2 वषपहलेराखी क उ या थी ?
1) 20 years
20 वष
2) 34 years
34 वष
3) 30 years
30 वष
4) 36 years
36 वष
Correct Answer: 34 years
34 वष
Candidate Answer: 34 years
34 वष
Question 11.Satya's birthday falls on 15th August and Meena's birthday falls on 25th June. If Meena's birthday was on Wednesday, what was the day on Sathya's
birthday in the same year?
सया का जमदन 15 अगत को और मीना का जमदन 25 जून को आता है। यद मीना का जमदन बुधवार को था, तो सया का जमदन उसी वषकौन सेदन था ?
1) Friday
2) Monday
3) Tuesday
4) Saturday
Correct Answer: Friday
Candidate Answer: Friday
Question 12.From the given words, select the word which can be formed using the letters of the given word.
िननिलखत शद मसेवह शद चुिनए जो दए गए शद के अर के योग सेबनाया जा सकता है ?
Correct Answer: MANIA
Candidate Answer: MANIA
Question 13.If BLACKSMITH is coded as CNBELUNKUJ, then CHILDREN will be coded as ?
अगर BLACKSMITH का कोड CNBELUNKUJ हो तो CHILDREN का कोड या होगा ?
Correct Answer: DJJNETFP
Candidate Answer: DJJNETFP
Question 14.If 17 + 17 = 2895
18 + 18 = 3245
19 + 19 = 3615
then 23 + 23 = ?
यद 17 +17 = 2895
18 +18 = 3245
19 + 19 = 3615
हो तो 23 + 23 = ?
1) 5765
2) 2565
3) 4005
4) 5295
Correct Answer: 5295
Candidate Answer: 5295
Question 15.In the following problem, '=' stands for '÷' , '+' stands for '-' , 'x' stands for '=', '-' stands for '+' and '÷' stands for 'x'. Find the correct equation.
यद (=) का मतलब (÷), (+) का मतलब (-), (x) का मतलब (=), (-) का मतलब (+), और (÷) का मतलब (ₓ) हो, तो सह समीकरण ात कजए ?
1) 8 ÷ 4 + 1 - 5 = 6 x 4
2) 4 x 6 ÷ 4 + 4 = 7
3) 5 ÷ 3 - 25 + 20 = 20 x 39
4) 96 ÷ 2 x 6 ÷105 + 1
Correct Answer: 5 ÷ 3 - 25 + 20 = 20 x 39
Candidate Answer: 5 ÷ 3 - 25 + 20 = 20 x 39
Question 16.Select the missing number from the given responses.
लु संया ात कजए ?
1) 432
2) 334
3) 512
4) 501
Correct Answer: 512
Candidate Answer: 512
Question 17.A man walked 9 km towards East and then 12 km towards South. How far is he from the starting point?
एक आदमी 9 क.मी.पूवक ओर उसके बाद 12 क.मी. दण क ओर जाता है। उसके ारभ और अतम बदुके बीच क दर ू ात कजए ?
1) 8 km
8 क.मी.
2) 6 km
6 क.मी.
3) 15 km
15 क.मी.
4) 7.5 km
7.5 क.मी.
Correct Answer: 15 km
15 क.मी.
Candidate Answer: 15 km
15 क.मी.
Question 18.Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement.
Statement: Poverty is a symptom as well as a consequence of social disorder.
Assumptions: I. Poverty is a type of social order
II. Poverty is related to social order
िननिलखत  मएक या दो वय दयेगयेहै, जसके आगेदो िनकष/मायताएं, I और II िनकालेगयेह। आपको वचार करना हैक वय सय हैचाहे
वह सामायतः शततय सेिभन तीत होता हो। आपको िनणय करना हैक दए गए वय मसेकोन-सा िनत प सेसह िनकष/मायता िनकाला जा सकता है ?
कथन : गरबी, सामाजक अयवथा का लण एवं परणाम है।
िनकष : I. गरबी सामाजक यवथा का एक कार है।
II. गरबी सामाजक यवथा सेसबधत है।
1) only I assumption is correct
के वल िनकष I सह है।
2) only assumption II is correct
के वल िनकष II सह है।
3) Both assumptions I and II are correct
दोन िनकष I और II सह ह।
4) Neither assumption I nor II is correct
ना तो िनकष I सह हैऔर ना ह िनकष II
Correct Answer: Neither assumption I nor II is correct
ना तो िनकष I सह हैऔर ना ह िनकष II
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 19.How many squares are there in the square figure ABCD?
वग ABCD मकतनेवगह ?
1) 16
2) 17
3) 26
4) 30
Correct Answer: 30
Candidate Answer: 30
Question 20.Find the part which represents those actors who are also singers
वह कौन सा भाग हैजो दशाता हैक जो अिभनेता हैवह गायक भी है।
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) f
Correct Answer: c
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 21.Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
कौन सी उर आकृ ित  आकृ ित के ितप को पूरा करेगी ?
Correct Answer:
Candidate Answer:
Question 22.From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
द गई उर आकृ ितय मसेउस उर आकृ ित को चुिनए जसम आकृ ित िनहत है।
Correct Answer:
Candidate Answer:
Question 23.A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
नीचे आकृ ितय मदखाए अनुसार कागज को मोड़कर, काटनेतथा खोलनेके बाद वह कस उर आकृ ित जैसा दखाई देगा ?
Correct Answer:
Candidate Answer:
Question 24.Which of the answer figure is exactly the water image of the given figure?
द गई आकृ ितय मसेउपरो आकृ ित का जल ितबब कौन सा है ?

Question 25.In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives
are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are
numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., G can be represented by 04, 40, etc., and 'K' can
be represented by 56, 75, etc.
Similarly you have to identify the set for the word 'NILE'
िननिलखत  मवकप मदए गए संया-समूह, अर के दो वग ारा दशाए गए ह, जैसेक नीचेदए गए दो आयूह मह। आयूह I के सतभ और पं क संया 0 से 4 तक द गई
है, और आयूह II के 5 से 9 तक, इन आयूह सेएक अर को पहलेउसक पं और बाद मतभ संया ारा दशाया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के िलए, G को 04, 40, आद ारा दशाया जा
सकता हैतथा K को 56, 75, आद ारा दशाया जा सकता है। इसी तरह सेआपको दए शद 'NILE' के िलए समूह को पहचानना है।
1) 56, 58, 03, 02
2) 59, 77, 85, 43
3) 56, 62, 03, 02
4) 57, 60, 10, 02
Correct Answer: 59, 77, 85, 43
Candidate Answer: 59, 77, 85, 43
Question 26.Trickle down theory ignores the impact of economic growth on
टपकन िसांत (आपमाीय िसांत) िननिलखत मसेकस पर आिथक वृ के भाव को नजर अंदाज करता है ?
1) Investment
2) Savings
3) Income distribution
आय वतरण
4) Consumption
Correct Answer: Income distribution
आय वतरण
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 27.The Comptroller and Auditor General of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of
भारत के िनयंक-महालेखापरक िननिलखत मसेकसक ािय और यय क लेखापरा नहं करते ?
1) Central Government
क  सरकार
2) Local Bodies
थानीय िनकाय
3) State Government
राय सरकार
4) Government Companies
सरकार कपिनयां
Correct Answer: Local Bodies
थानीय िनकाय
Candidate Answer: Local Bodies
थानीय िनकाय
Question 28.In which year did the Kakori conspiracy case take place?
काकोर षडयं मामला कस वषमहुआ ?
1) 1925
2) 1924
3) 1926
4) 1927
Correct Answer: 1925
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 29.The Taj Mahal is called 'a dream in marble'. Which monument is called as 'a dream in stone'?
ताज महल को 'संगमरमर मवन'(a dream in marble) कहा जाता है ? कस मारक को ' पथर मेवन' कहा जाता है ?
1) The Rang Mahal
रंग महल
2) The Panch Mahal
पंच महल
3) The Red Fort
लाल कला
4) The Bahai temple
बहाई मदर
Correct Answer: The Panch Mahal
पंच महल
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 30.Sex-ratio in India is measured as
भारत मिलंग अनुपात क गणना कै सेक जाती है ?
1) Number of males per thousand females
ित हजार य पर पुष क संया
2) Number of females per thousand males
ित हजार पुष पर य क संया
3) Number of males per hundred females
ित सौ य पर पुष क संया
4) Number of females per hundred males
ित सौ पुष पर य क संया
Correct Answer: Number of females per thousand males
ित हजार पुष पर य क संया
Candidate Answer: Number of females per thousand males
ित हजार पुष पर य क संया
Question 31.Companion cells are unique to
सहचर कोिशकाएं िननिलखत मसेिसफ कसमहै ?
1) Bryophytes
2) Pteridophytes
3) Angiosperms
एजयोपम (आवृतबीजी)
4) Gymnosperms
जनोपम (अनावृतबीजी)
Correct Answer: Angiosperms
एजयोपम (आवृतबीजी)
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 32.Which one of the following is an insulator?
िननिलखत मसेया वुत-रोधी है ?
1) Copper
2) Wood
3) Mercury
4) Aluminium
Correct Answer: Wood
Candidate Answer: Mercury
Question 33.Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to:
कस कारण सेवायुके बुलबुलेतरल पदाथमउठतेह ?
1) Surface tension and adherence
पृ-तनाव और आसंजन
2) viscosity and buoyancy.
यानता और उपलव
3) air current over the liquid and buoyancy
तरल पदाथपर वायुवाह और उपलव
4) Up thrust and surface tension.
उेप और पृ तनाव
Correct Answer: viscosity and buoyancy.
यानता और उपलव
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 34.Zeolite is
जयोलाइट या है ?
1) hydrated ferric oxide
हाइेटेड फे रक ऑसाइड
2) hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
हाइेटेड सोडयम एयूिमिनयम िसिलके ट
3) sodium hexameta phosphate
सोडयम हेसामेटा फॉफे ट
4) sodium tetra borate
सोडयम टेाबोरेट
Correct Answer: hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
हाइेटेड सोडयम एयूिमिनयम िसिलके ट
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 35.The boiling point of liquids vary as
कस कारण सेतरल पदाथ के वथनांक (boiling point) मिभनता होती ह ?
1) pressure varies
दाब मिभनता
2) temperature varies
तापमान मिभनता
3) volume varies
आयतन मिभनता
4) density varies
घनव मिभनता
Correct Answer: pressure varies
दाब मिभनता
Candidate Answer: pressure varies
दाब मिभनता
Question 36.The largest source of pollution in the world is
व मदषणू का सबसेबड़ा ोत कौन-सा है ?
1) herbicides and insecticides
शाकनाशी और कटनाशी
2) Automobile exhausts
आटोमोबाइल सेिनकलनेवाला धुआं
3) Sewage and garbage
कू ड़ा और कचरा
4) Industrial effluents
औोिगक बहःाव
Correct Answer: Sewage and garbage
कू ड़ा और कचरा
Candidate Answer: Industrial effluents
औोिगक बहःाव
Question 37.Among the following states, the literacy rate is highest in
िननिलखत राय मसेसवच सारता दर कस राय महै ?
1) Orissa
2) Punjab
3) Maharashtra
4) Mizoram
Correct Answer: Mizoram
Candidate Answer: Mizoram
Question 38.The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the Lok Sabha is
लोकसभा क बैठक आयोजत करनेके िलए यूनतम कतनी संया मसदय उपथत होनेचाहए ?
1) One-fourth of the total membership
कु ल सदयता का एक-चौथाई
2) One-tenth of the total membership
कु ल सदयता का दसवां भाग
3) Fifty percent strength of the Lok Sabha
लोकसभा क पचास ितशत संया
4) At least hundred members
यूनम सौ सदय
Correct Answer: One-tenth of the total membership
कु ल सदयता का दसवां भाग
Candidate Answer: One-tenth of the total membership
कु ल सदयता का दसवां भाग
Question 39.India's population growth is characterized by
भारत मजनसंया वृ क या वशेषता है ?
1) An increase in rate of death
मृयुदर मवृ
2) An increase in the ratio of females
महलाओं के अनुपात मवृ
3) An increase in the birth rate and declining death rate
जम-दर मवृ कतुमृयुदर मकमी
4) Increasing number of old people
वृ यय क बढ़ती संया
Correct Answer: An increase in the birth rate and declining death rate
जम-दर मवृ कतुमृयुदर मकमी
Candidate Answer: An increase in the birth rate and declining death rate
जम-दर मवृ कतुमृयुदर मकमी
Question 40.What will you call a system of taxation under which the poorer sections are taxed at higher rates than the richer sections?
आप ऐसी कर णाली को या कहगेजसमिनधन वगपर धनी वगक अपेा अिधक कर लगाया जाता ह ?
1) Progressive tax
गामी कर
2) Proportional tax
आनुपाितक कर
3) Regressive tax
पगामी कर
4) Degressive tax
अविमक कर
Correct Answer: Regressive tax
पगामी कर
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 41.The most important function of an interest group is to
कसी 'हतब गुट' का सबसेमहवपूणकायया होता है ?
1) form the government
सरकार बनाना
2) alter government policies to its liking
अपनी पसंद के अनुसार सरकार नीितय मपरवतन
3) build up public opinion
जनमत बनाना
4) Contest elections
चुनाव लड़ना
Correct Answer: alter government policies to its liking
अपनी पसंद के अनुसार सरकार नीितय मपरवतन
Candidate Answer: build up public opinion
जनमत बनाना
Question 42.Which among the following is not correctly paired?
िननिलखत मसेकौन-सा युम सह नहं है ?
1) Shivaji-Afzal Khan
िशवाजी-अफजल खां
2) Nurjahan-Mahabat Khan
नूरजहां-महाबत खां
3) Akbar-Rana Pratap
अकबर-राणा ताप
4) Babar-Bairam Khan
बाबर-बैरम खां
Correct Answer: Babar-Bairam Khan
बाबर-बैरम खां
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 43.Which of the following deserts is rich in gold reserves?
िननिलखत मसेकस रेिगतान मअयािधक माा मवणभंडार पाया जाता है ?
1) Arabian
2) Thar
3) Mongolian
4) Atacama
Correct Answer: Atacama
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 44.Lacrymal glands are situated in the
अुंथी कहां थत होती ह ?
1) Palms
हथेिलय म
2) Buccal cavity
पुख गुहका म
3) Eye orbit
ने गुहा म
4) Stomach
पेट म
Correct Answer: Eye orbit
ने गुहा म
Candidate Answer: Eye orbit
ने गुहा म
Question 45.The most extensive use of molasses after fermentation is for producing
कवन के पात सबसेयापक प म "मोलासे" का योग िननिलखत मसेया तैयार करनेके िलए कया जाता है ?
1) Methanol
2) Sugar
3) Ethanol
4) Sugarcane
Correct Answer: Ethanol
Candidate Answer: Sugar
Question 46.Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by
अल वषािननिलखत मसेकसके ारा हुए दषणू सेहोती है ?
1) oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
नाइोजन और सफर के ऑसाइड से
2) oxides of nitrogen and phosphorous
नाइोजन और फाफोरस के ऑसाइड से
3) oxides of carbon and nitrogen
काबन और नाइोजन के ऑसाइड से
4) oxides of nitrogen and methane
नाइोजन और मीथेन के ऑसाइड से
Correct Answer: oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
नाइोजन और सफर के ऑसाइड से
Candidate Answer: oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
नाइोजन और सफर के ऑसाइड से
Question 47.The dispute over Siachin Glacier is between
िसयािचन लेिशयर को लेकर कन देश के बीच ववाद ह ?
1) India and China
भारत और चीन
2) India and Afghanistan
भारत और अफगािनतान
3) India and Pakistan
भारत और पाकतान
4) India and Nepal
भारत और नेपाल
Correct Answer: India and Pakistan
भारत और पाकतान
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 48.Who wrote the famous line: 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'
यह िस यु कसनेिलखी थी : "A thing of beauty is a joy forever''
1) John Keats
जॉन कस
2) V.S. Naipaul
वी.एस. नाइपॉल
3) Sir Richard Burton
सर रचडबटन
4) Larry Collins
लैर कॉिलस
Correct Answer: John Keats
जॉन कस
Candidate Answer: John Keats
जॉन कस
Question 49.Who was the first lady Governor of an Indian State?
कसी भारतीय राय क थम महला रायपाल कौन थी ?
1) Mrs. Sucheta Kripalani
ीमती सुचेता कृ पलानी
2) Miss Padmaja Naidu
कु. पजा नायडू
3) Mrs Tarkeswari Sinha
ीमती तारके र िसहा
4) Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
ीमती सरोजनी नायडू
Correct Answer: Mrs. Sucheta Kripalani
ीमती सुचेता कृ पलानी
Candidate Answer: Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
ीमती सरोजनी नायडू
Question 50.Which of the following is an application protocol?
िननिलखत मसेकौन-सा एलके शन ोटोकॉल है ?
2) TCP
3) IP
4) UDP
Correct Answer: HTTP
Candidate Answer: IP
Question 51.A clock gains 15 minutes per day. If it is set right at 12 noon, the time it shows at 4 AM is
एक घड़ येक दन 15 िमनट आगेहो जाती है। यद उसेदोपहर 12 बजेसह सेट करके चलाया जाता है, तो ातः 4 बजेवह या समय दखाएगी ?
1) 4.20 AM
4.20 ात:
2) 4.30 AM
4.30 ात:
3) 4.02 AM
4.02 ात:
4) 4.10 AM
4.10 ात:
Correct Answer: 4.10 AM
4.10 ात:
Candidate Answer: 4.10 AM
4.10 ात:
Question 52.A home theatre set is Rs. 4950. If two successive discounts of 20% and 15% are given, then its selling price is
एक होम िथयेटर सेट Rs. 4950 का है। यद उस पर 20% और 15% क दो िमक छूट द जाए तो उसका वय मूय या होगा ?
1) Rs.3366
2) Rs.6633
3) Rs.3636
4) Rs.6363
Correct Answer: Rs.3366
Candidate Answer: Rs.3366
Question 53.If 15% of x is three times of 10% of y, then x:y =
यद x का 15% , y के 10% का ितगुना है, तो x : y कसके बराबर होगा ?
1) 1:2
2) 2:1
3) 3:2
4) 2:3
Correct Answer: 2:1
Candidate Answer: 1:2
Question 54.A bookseller bought 500 text books for ₹ 20,000. He wanted to sell them at a profit so that he get 50 books free. At what profit percent should he sell
कसी पुतक वे ता ने 500 पाय पुतक ₹ 20000 मखरद। वह उहऐसेलाभ पर बेचना चाहता हैताक उसे 50 पुतक िनःशुक पड। उसेकतनेितशत लाभ पर अपनी पुतक बेचनी
चाहए ?
1) 10
2) 20
3) 15
4) 10.5
Correct Answer: 10
Candidate Answer: 20
Question 55.20% of a man's salary is paid as rent, 60% are his living expenses and 10% are his savings. If he spends remaining ₹ 30 on the education of his
children, find his salary
कसी य के वेतन का 20% भाग कराए पर खचहोता है, 60% भाग जीवन-यापन पर खचहोता हैऔर 10% भाग क वह बचत करता है। यद वह शेष ₹ 30 बच क िशा पर खचकरे,
तो उसका वेतन कतना है ?
1) 300
2) 900
3) 3000
4) 9000
Correct Answer: 300
Candidate Answer: 3000
Question 56.A gun is fired at a distance of 6.64 km away from Ram. He hears the sound 20 seconds later. Then the speed of sound is
एक बदकू राम से 6.64 क.मी. क दर ू सेदागी जाती है। राम 20 सेके ड बाद उसक आवाज़ (विन) सुनता है। उस विन क गित या है ?
1) 664 m/s
664 मी./से.
2) 664 km/s
664 क.मी./से.
3) 332 m/s
332 मी./से.
4) 332 km/s
332 क.मी./से.
Correct Answer: 332 m/s
332 मी./से.
Candidate Answer: 332 m/s
332 मी./से.
Question 57.The simple interest on Rs. 2000 for 2 years at Rs. 75 per thousand per annum will be
Rs. 2000 पर Rs. 75 ित हजार वाषक दर पर 2 वषका साधारण याज या होगा ?
1) Rs.150
2) Rs.300
3) Rs.600
4) Rs.400
Correct Answer: Rs.300
Candidate Answer: Rs.300
Question 58.If x = 1 + √2 + √3, then the value of x2
 - 2x - 4 is
यद x = 1 + √2 + √3 हो, तो x2
 - 2x - 4 का मान बताएं ?
1) √6
2) 2√3
3) 3√2
4) 2√6
Correct Answer: 2√6
Candidate Answer: 2√6
Question 59.
1) 1
2) 0
3) -1
4) 2
Correct Answer: 0
Candidate Answer: 0
Question 60.If ΔABC is an equilateral triangle of side 16 cm, then the length of altitude is
यद ΔABC 16 से.मी. भुजा वाला समबाहुकोण हो, तो कोण क ऊँ चाई बताएं ?
1) 2√3 cm
2√3 से.मी.
2) 4√3 cm
4√3 से.मी.
3) 8√3 cm
8√3 से.मी.
4) 5√3 cm
5√3 से.मी.
Correct Answer: 8√3 cm
8√3 से.मी.
Candidate Answer: 4√3 cm
4√3 से.मी.
Question 61.O is the circumcentre of ΔABC. If AO = 8 cm, then the length of BO is
ΔABC का O परके  है। यद AO = 8 से.मी. हो, तो BO क लबाई बताएं ?
1) 12 cm
12 से.मी.
2) 3 cm
3 से.मी.
3) 6 cm
6 से.मी.
4) 8 cm
8 से.मी.
Correct Answer: 8 cm
8 से.मी.
Candidate Answer: 8 cm
8 से.मी.
Question 62.Given that tan(θ + 15°) = √3. Then the value of θ is?
यह मानतेहुए क tan(θ + 15°) = √3, तो θ का मान बताएं ?
1) 15°
2) 75°
3) 45°
4) 65°
Correct Answer: 45°
Candidate Answer: 45°
Question 63.The least number of square tiles of side 41 cms required to pave the ceiling of a room of size 15m 17cm long and 9m 2 cm broad is:
15 मीटर 17 से.मी. लबेऔर 9 मीटर 2 से.मी. चौड़ेकमरेक छत बनानेके िलए 41 से.मी. फलक वाली यूनतम कतनी वगाकार टाइल क आवयकता होगी ?
1) 902
2) 656
3) 738
4) 814
Correct Answer: 814
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 64.The average of fruits offered in a temple in a week was 75. The average of fruits offered in six days excluding Tuesday was 72. How many fruits were
offered on Tuesday?
कसी मदर मएक साह मऔसतन 75 फल चढाए गए। मंगलवार को छोड़ कर शेष 6 दन मऔसतन 72 फल चढाए गए। मंगलवार के दन कतनेफल चढाए गए ?
1) 90
2) 93
3) 72
4) 92
Correct Answer: 93
Candidate Answer: 93
Question 65.



Correct Answer:
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 66.
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
Correct Answer: 1
Candidate Answer: 1
Question 67.If a > b > 0, AB = a - b cm, BC = 2√ab cm, then ∠ABC is
यद a>b>0, AB = a - b से.मी., BC = 2√ab से.मी.हो, तो ∠ABC का मान या होगा ?
1) 45°
2) 60°
3) 90°
4) 120°
Correct Answer: 90°
Candidate Answer: 90°
Question 68.PR is a tangent to a circle with centre O and radius 4 cm at point Q. If ∠POR = 90°, OR = 5 cm and OP = 20/3 cm, then the length of PR is:
PR, O के  वालेवृ त क पशरेखा हैऔर Q बदुपर या 4 से0मी0 है। यद ∠POR = 90°, OR = 5 से.मी. और OP = 20/3 से.मी. हो तो PR क लबाई बताइए ?
1) 3 cm
Correct Answer:
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 69.From a point, 40 m apart from the foot of a tower, the angle of elevation of its top is 60°. The height of the tower is
कसी मीनार के आधार से 40 मीटर क दर ू पर, एक बदुसे, मीनार के शीषभाग का उनयन कोण 60° है। मीनार क ऊं चाई बताइए ?
1) 40√3
2) 40√3 cm
40√3 सी.मी.
3) 40√3 m
40√3 मी.
4) 40√2 m
40√2 मी.
Correct Answer: 40√3 m
40√3 मी.
Candidate Answer: 40√3 m
40√3 मी.
Question 70.The radius of a sphere and hemisphere are same. The ratio of their total surface area is
कसी गोलक और अधगोलक क या एक समान है। उनके कु ल  के ेफल का अनुपात बताएं ?
1) 3:1
2) 2:1
3) 3:2
4) 4:3
Correct Answer: 4:3
Candidate Answer: 3:1
Question 71.Two equal arcs of two circles subtend angle of 60° and 75° at the centre. The ratio of the radii of the two circles is
दो वृ क दो बराबर क चाप, के  म 60° और 75° के कोण अतरत करती है। दोन वृ क याओं का अनुपात या होगा ?
1) 5/4
2) 3/2
3) 4/5
4) 2/3
Correct Answer: 5/4
Candidate Answer: 5/4
Question 72.Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions
िननिलखत ाफ को यान सेपढ, और िननिलखत  न के उर दजए।
Which state has the maximum percentage of electrified villages?
कस राय मअिधकतम ितशत गॉ ंव मबजली ह ?
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) F
Correct Answer: C
Candidate Answer: D
Question 73.Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions
िननिलखत ाफ को यान सेपढ, और िननिलखत  न के उर दजए।
If the Central Government desires to give aid for speedy electrification starting from states with least electrification, which state will get fourth rank in order of
यद के  सरकार तेजी सेबजली लानेके िलए सहायता देना चाहेऔर ऐसेराय को जनमसबसेकम बजली पहुँची है, तो ाथिमकता के म मचौथेनबर पर कौन-सा राय होगा ?
1) F
2) C
3) E
4) B
Correct Answer: F
Candidate Answer: B
Question 74.Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions
िननिलखत ाफ को यान सेपढ, और िननिलखत  न के उर दजए।
How many States have at least 60% or more electrified villages?
कतनेराय ऐसेहैजनमकम सेकम 60% या अिधक गॉ ंव मबजली पहुँची ह ?
1) Five
पॉ ंच
2) Three
3) Four
4) Two
Correct Answer: Three
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 75.Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions
िननिलखत ाफ को यान सेपढ, और िननिलखत  न के उर दजए।
Which state has twice the percentage of villages electrified in comparison to state D?
कस राय म D राय क तुलना मबजली यु त गॉ ंव का ितशत दगना ु है ?
1) A
2) E
3) F
4) C
Correct Answer: C
Candidate Answer: F
Question 76.Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it.
1) Conniosseur
2) Connoisseur
3) Connossieur
4) Connosseiur
Correct Answer: Connoisseur
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 77.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button
corresponding to it.
Correct Answer: AGITATE
Candidate Answer: QUENCH
Question 78.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and click the button
corresponding to it.
Correct Answer: DESTRUCTION
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 79.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.
An exact copy
1) Facsimile
2) Twin
3) Mirror
4) Clone
Correct Answer: Facsimile
Candidate Answer: Twin
Question 80.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.
To give money to agents for sales.
1) Salary
2) Commission
3) Fee
4) Incentive
Correct Answer: Commission
Candidate Answer: Commission
Question 81.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.
A person who is working in the same institution.
1) Guide
2) Collector
3) Captain
4) Colleague
Correct Answer: Colleague
Candidate Answer: Colleague
Question 82.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase
and click the button corresponding to it.
1) Rest
2) Fitful sleep
3) Long sleep
4) Short sleep
Correct Answer: Short sleep
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 83.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase
and click the button corresponding to it.
To pull a long face
1) Looked happily
2) Looked surprised
3) Looked sad
4) Looked calm
Correct Answer: Looked sad
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 84.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase
and click the button corresponding to it.
Fit her like a glove.
1) Too large
2) Too shabby
3) Too tight
4) Perfectly
Correct Answer: Perfectly
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 85.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question,
choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.
Health is too important to be ___________.
1) discarded
2) disposed
3) neglected
4) detested
Correct Answer: neglected
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 86.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question,
choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.
I am _______________this crime.
1) ignorant on
2) innocent of
3) indebted to
4) ignoring
Correct Answer: innocent of
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 87.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question,
choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.
I was _____________ paying the toll tax.
1) free from
2) exonerated from
3) exempted from
4) exposed to
Correct Answer: exempted from
Candidate Answer: exempted from
Question 88.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button
corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the “No error” option.
I used (A)/ a pair of black trousers (B) / for a week (C)/ No error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A
Candidate Answer: D
Question 89.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button
corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the “No error” option.
He has made a mistake (A)/ of which (B) / I am certain (C) / No error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: D
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 90.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button
corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the “No error” option.
He was not allowed (A) / for the teacher (B) / to read in a low voice (C) / no error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 91.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
and click the button corresponding to it.
My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never encouraged. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us
with the same hard hand. It was not that she was a slave driver or anything, but she never openly showed affection. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in
more practical ways.
My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally. My dad is a really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the
occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions. Eventually, she
reverted to her old self.
The difference between my parents was never starker than whenever I brought home good test results from school. My dad would practically jump with joy, offering
warm and affectionate words of congratulations, and my mother? "Ah, good, good" she would typically say with a tense smile etched on her face. "Do better next
time, OK?"
I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved. That was just her way. I reasoned.
Why did the narrator not bear a grudge against her mother?
1) She felt that her mother had that kind of nature
2) She was satisfied with her father's love
3) Her mother was incapable of loving
4) Her mother was angry with everyone
Correct Answer: She felt that her mother had that kind of nature
Candidate Answer: She felt that her mother had that kind of nature
Question 92.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
and click the button corresponding to it.
My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never encouraged. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us
with the same hard hand. It was not that she was a slave driver or anything, but she never openly showed affection. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in
more practical ways.
My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally. My dad is a really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the
occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions. Eventually, she
reverted to her old self.
The difference between my parents was never starker than whenever I brought home good test results from school. My dad would practically jump with joy, offering
warm and affectionate words of congratulations, and my mother? "Ah, good, good" she would typically say with a tense smile etched on her face. "Do better next
time, OK?"
I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved. That was just her way. I reasoned.
The narrator's mother reverted to her old self because
1) she fought with her husband
2) she did not feel comfortable in revealing her emotions
3) she was angry with the children
4) her husband wanted her to be her old self
Correct Answer: she did not feel comfortable in revealing her emotions
Candidate Answer: she did not feel comfortable in revealing her emotions
Question 93.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
and click the button corresponding to it.
My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never encouraged. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us
with the same hard hand. It was not that she was a slave driver or anything, but she never openly showed affection. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in
more practical ways.
My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally. My dad is a really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the
occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions. Eventually, she
reverted to her old self.
The difference between my parents was never starker than whenever I brought home good test results from school. My dad would practically jump with joy, offering
warm and affectionate words of congratulations, and my mother? "Ah, good, good" she would typically say with a tense smile etched on her face. "Do better next
time, OK?"
I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved. That was just her way. I reasoned.
The narrator's mother didn't appreciate the narrator's results because
1) the marks were not good
2) the marks could be better
3) she wasn't very expressive
4) she was tense
Correct Answer: she wasn't very expressive
Candidate Answer: she wasn't very expressive
Question 94.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
and click the button corresponding to it.
My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never encouraged. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us
with the same hard hand. It was not that she was a slave driver or anything, but she never openly showed affection. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in
more practical ways.
My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally. My dad is a really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the
occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions. Eventually, she
reverted to her old self.
The difference between my parents was never starker than whenever I brought home good test results from school. My dad would practically jump with joy, offering
warm and affectionate words of congratulations, and my mother? "Ah, good, good" she would typically say with a tense smile etched on her face. "Do better next
time, OK?"
I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved. That was just her way. I reasoned.
How is the narrator's dad different from her mother?
1) He is dark
2) He expresses his feelings openly
3) He dislikes children
4) He is persuasive in nature
Correct Answer: He expresses his feelings openly
Candidate Answer: He is persuasive in nature
Question 95.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
and click the button corresponding to it.
My mom grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which open expressions of love were never encouraged. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us
with the same hard hand. It was not that she was a slave driver or anything, but she never openly showed affection. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in
more practical ways.
My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally. My dad is a really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the
occasion. After much persuasion from him, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions. Eventually, she
reverted to her old self.
The difference between my parents was never starker than whenever I brought home good test results from school. My dad would practically jump with joy, offering
warm and affectionate words of congratulations, and my mother? "Ah, good, good" she would typically say with a tense smile etched on her face. "Do better next
time, OK?"
I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved. That was just her way. I reasoned.
Why was the narrator's mother not expressive of her love?
1) She was of Chinese origin
2) It was not her nature
3) She was a harsh person
4) The tradition at her home didn't allow her.
Correct Answer: The tradition at her home didn't allow her.
Candidate Answer: She was of Chinese origin
Question 96.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
Both of us had a different opinion about it.
1) Both of us has
2) Each of us had
3) Each of us have
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: Each of us had
Candidate Answer: Each of us have
Question 97.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
The trade union is hell bent at getting its demands fulfilled
1) hell bent in
2) hell bent about
3) hell bent on
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: hell bent on
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 98.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
The police had to break the door to get in
1) to break up
2) to break in
3) to break down
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: to break down
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 99.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
The plane landed and shot towards the airport
1) taxied
2) drove
3) wheeled
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: taxied
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]
Question 100.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
After a hard days work, I just want to go home.
1) hard day's work
2) hard days' work
3) hard day work
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: hard day's work
Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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