How to Enable HotSpot in Windows 8.1 Pro Using CMD | two Commands Only

How to Enable HotSpot in Windows 8.1 Pro Using CMD

You can use the Command Prompt (CMD) to enable the Mobile Hotspot feature on Windows 8.1 Pro by following these steps:


Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting "Command Prompt (Admin)".


Type the following command and press Enter to check if your system supports the Mobile Hotspot feature:


netsh wlan show drivers


If the "Hosted network
supported" value in the output is "Yes", then you can proceed to
the next step. If it is "No", it means that your system does not
support the Mobile Hotspot feature.


Type the following command and press Enter to set up a new wireless network with the name "PawarSolution" and the password "PawarSolution@543":


netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=PawarSolution key=PawarSolution@543


Replace " PawarSolution " with the name you want to give to your wireless network and " PawarSolution@543" with the password you want to use for your network.


Type the following command and press Enter to start the newly created wireless network:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork


Your Mobile Hotspot is now enabled and you can connect your other devices to it using the network name and password you specified.

That's it! You have now enabled the Mobile Hotspot feature on Windows 8.1 Pro using CMD.

You're welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.

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