SAP Hana || Failed to connect System Landscape Directory(SLD)

Failed to connect System Landscape Directory(SLD);contact your system administrator

SAP Hana SLD Error :

1.First all of need to Login with Linux Server as a root user 

2. Need to Login with ndbadm Use Command line - su - ndbadm

2. after that we can check here Hana  Services started or not 

    Use Command for check the hana Services - ./HDB info

If Services not started then use next Command - ./HDB Start

If all ready Started then need to use Command - Exit

after that Go on root user again,

Use Command line - cd /etc/init.d (Go on this location)

then use Command - ./sapb1servertools start

then use last command line for start the sldagent- sldagent start

For more Details Watch this Videos :-

Short Commands :-

Login with root user 

1. su - ndbadm

2. ./HDB info

3. ./HDB start/stop/restart/status

4. ./sapb1servertools start/restart/status

5. ./sldagent start/stop/status

Other Related Questions :-

1. SAP DI-API Error "-4008 - Login SLD Failed, make sure the

2. Failed to Connect or Logon to SLD - Sana Commerce 9.3

3. SAP Business One Connector Tool - Error: "Failed To Connect 

4. How to Solve Failed to Connect SLD Issue

5. Failed to connect System Landscape Directory(SLD);contact your system administrator

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