Realtime Face Device Biometrics Manual || Pro 1500 ||

 Pro 1500 Biometric Manual 

Pro 1500  (WaterProof)

 # Face 20000

 # Card

 # wifi

 # Access Control and Screen 5.7" Display


Pro 1500 Biometrics have Eight icon

Ø User

·      Enroll            Face/Card/Pwd

·      User list       Showing User list and Modify

·      Department       Add Department

·      Download Data     From USB/Pendrive

·      Upload Data        From USB/Pendrive

Ø Shedule-(Time – Log info)

·     Time

§  Log Warning        like 1000

§  Late              Coming Late Policy

§  Early Leave         Early Leave Policy

·     Log Info

Ø Report

·      Company         Add Company

·      Download Shift     Download Shift

·      Upload Shift        Upload Shift

·      Download Report    Through USB/Pendrive

·      Download File       Through USB/Pendrive


Ø Communication (LocalSetting,Server,Ethernet)

·      Local Setting

§  Port No  

§  Net Pwd

·      Server

§  Connection Mode         UDP/TCP

§  Server IP      

§  Domain Name            Like

§  Server Port              Like 8100

§  Alive Time               Check Data(30sec)

§  Check Online              Connected/Fail

§  Connect Status           UDP

·      Ethernet – (Enable –Yes/No)

§  DHCP            Yes/No

§  IP Address

§  Net Mask

§  Gateway

§  DNS Server

§  Mac Address       Showing Machine Mak Add

·      Wlan/Wifi

§  Enable – Yes/No

§  Search

§  DhCP

§  IP Address

§  Netmask

§  Gateway

§  DNS Server

Ø System (General,Advance)

·      General

§  Prevent Photo  Yes/No

§  Fake Threshold  By Default 50

§  Save Photo       Yes/No

§  Wear Mask       Yes/No

§  Light Mode       At light/Turn off

§  Identify Distance   Short/Middle/Long

§  Menu password     Select You Password

§  Time             Set Date/Time/Year

§  Language          Select Your Launguage

§  Volume           Select Device Volume

§  Result Time        result      

·      Advance

§  Max Admin       Select No of admin

§  Delete all User     You can Delete all User Here

§  Delete all log       You can Delete all Log

§  Face Threshold     Delete Duplicate Photo

§   Default          Reset to defualt Setting

§  Firmware Update   Update firmware through USB

·      Door Setup

§  In/Out           Select in/out

§  Lock Delay        Enter Lock Delay Time

§  Bistable              Yes/No

§  Face+Pwd             Yes/No

§  Wigand Bit            User Id / Card No

§  Open Without Verificial  Yes/No

§  Log Interval            Enter Second(10)

§  Duress Alram Pwd       Enter Alram Pwd

§  Case Alram             Yes/No

§  Door Open Timeout       Enter Second(10)

§  Check Door Sensor        yes/No

·      Bell

§  01

§  02

§  03

§  04

§  05

§  06 Max No of 24

Ø Info

·      User log

§  Select Id And ddmmyy then check log

·       User info

§  Admin Quantity               Enter No of Admin Here

§  User Quantity                 No of 20,000 User

§  Face Quantity                 No of 20,000 User

§  Card Registered                No of 20,000 User

§  Password Quantity              No of 20,000 User

§  Log Quantity                   No of 20,0000 User

§  Save Photo                    628 – 50,000             


§  Menufacture             Realtime

§  Web site      

§  Reminder

§  Seriel No               FC-8100T20036030

§  Released               Date,Month,Year Show

§  Model                 Pro 1500

§  Firmware        IFKL72200F3010 REALTIMEV2.14

§  Engine                 Ver300.20000.122

§  Note- How to Break Admin/Manager ?

Delete Admin Through Software.

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