Realtime Biometrics FAQ - Frequently Asked Quetion and what is the Answer

Realtime Biometrics - FAQ     

#  When data is not downloading from the machine and shows data download complete?

 1. First Check Date and time of Machine and 

 2. Register the dll of  Machine in System32 and SysWOW64.

 3. Please Check your LAN Connection and Lan wire it should be properly inserted into the machine LAN Port 

    and your Switch or modem then check the pinging of machine for pinging type ping in run or cmd 

    and machine Ip address.  

 4. Check the model of the Machine if the model name is Unknown then go to hardware setup and download 

    enroll if the detail is not Complete Then, Change the model and try this process until it shows complete 

    enroll data. 

#  If data is not Processing?

    Check  the path C:\Program file\Rssolutions\realsoft\macdatafiles.

#  If in a report is showing (X) in a shift?

    Generate the shift of that month then process the data.

#  If in a report is showing absent in status and in or out is coming?

    Please check the policy hence any person doesn’t enter the wrong details in setup, Category, and shift 


#  If our time is not showing?

    If our time is not showing in reports then please check the shift master do you have to enter the 

    overtime option if no then you should enter some time in this option but not necessarily everyone 

    in go to before shifting hours.

#  If over time is not showing in the report?

    Please Check the employee master did you select Y in OT allowed or do you give the Overtime hours in 

    shift master.

#  If the report is coming blank?

1. Check Processing Path or machine Connectivity.

2. Company id should be in 2 digits.

3. Employee detail (card no should be in 8 digits and all red mark fields must be filled ).

4. Machine Number should be the same in software and machine and please check the date and time also in the machine.

#  Active X Component?

    The open file location of Realsoft.exe then open all registration folders open and copy all files then pest in 

    windows/ system32 and SysWOW64 then register 1reg, 2reg, and 3reg files with run as administrator.

    Install the .NET framework for the as compatible version of windows.

#  It is showing unable to create DSN?

    Check the software is installed properly or not then copy the ODBCTOOL.DLL file from the software installed 

    folder and paste in system32 and SysWOW64 then type cmd run as administrator type the command 

    regsvr32 obdctool.dll and enter. it will show registration successfully then go to the control panel-administrative 

    tools. check DSN Which is created by the name dsnAccessArms. If it's not working then contact with

    Customer support center.          

#  It is showing EOF and BOF errors!
    Go to employee master and check all mandatory fields (*) are fields are filled or not if it's not filled then 
    please fill properly all options.
#  It is showing the error “ type mismatch “ while generating the shift!
    Firstly check the regional and language setting in the control panel it should be in English (United States) then 
    save it and regenerate shift.
#  What to do if you are going to open the software and it will  show a type mismatch
    ARMS 13 error?
    Open the database file which is ARMS.mdb the password is arms2721954 then open the fltbl table and 
    Press Ctrl+A and then press delete, then check.
#  When data is downloaded from t5n it shows data parameters are not valid?
    Download all data into a pen drive then clear the history log from the machine then punch in the machine it will work 
#  How to take database backup?
    In win XP click on software icon properties click on find target then copy ARMS.mdb and mcdatafile.   
    Restore process also will be like this. (paste the backup)
#  How to take a report in excel File?
    Go on the report there will be an option to export the report daily or monthly in an XLS file or directly from
    Reports tab on the software Reports/(Export daily/weekly/monthly).

#  How to break MANAGER CONFIRM in the machine?
    T52 ,T60, c110ta, c121ta (menu-24406083-ok-87654312-ok-advance-ok-device-ok- manager cancel(to last)-
    ok-continue-ok-then escape) 
    c101ta (menu-24406083-ok-87654312-ok user ok manager clear all manager)
    t5, - menu-24406083-ok-87654312-ok user ok manager clear all manager
    t5n, t6 Only by Software 
#  How to reset the machine Password ?
    You can reset the machine password by connecting the machine with your system through LAN or USB 
    cable after connecting the machine go to setup hardware Setup connect the machine. 
    (Choose connection mode USB or can then click on remove all admin).
#  How to reset software user a password RSS?
    Take fresh ARMS then take the backup of software ARMS open backup ARMS password is arms2721954
    Then delete PDW & PWDRPT then right-click and import the fresh ARMS select PWD and PWDRPT then OK 
    replace the ARMS into software backup then Open Software Password will be reset.
#  How to take backup in win 7 and earlier models?
    Go to C drive /User(then select the admin user – show all hidden files)/AppData /local/Virtual store/
    Program files/Realsoft 10.2/(take arms and mcdatafiles).
    When you want to restore the backup go to the same path and paste the file here.
    [C:\Users\realtime\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\RS Solutions\Realsoft 10.2]
#  When go to data transfer and error Run time error ‘13’ type mismatch?
    Open the machine setup and check the password and machine no.

#  What to do if the report is showing all zeros (0) or the Database gets corrupted?
    In Some cases when ARMS (Database file) size becomes more than 1.9GB, it gets Corrupted.
    Database Repair Steps :
1-To repair the Database we need a fresh Arms File. Default Size of Arms.mdb is 3084
2-Delete Some tables from fresh Arms as follows-
Comp must
Leave bal - all leave the file 
Salarymaster - all S name file
then right-click and import file and then click access database and import all delete the files from backup ARMS   

Some Important Links 

Access Control All Error  Videos Generate Videos Playlist   - Click Here

Desktop Software All Error Videos and Report Videos Playlist  - Click Here

Attendance Tracker Software All Error Videos Playlist  -  Click Here
Realsoft SQL 11.0 Software Error and Videos play List - click Here Error and Videos playlist - Click Here

Overseas All Software Videos Desktop and Cloud Software videos paly list - click Here

Attendance Mark Cloud Videos paly list - Click Here

Realsoft school all Error Videos and paly list - Click here

Realtimessa Videos playlist - click here

Adhar Enabled Biometric T 502L, RS 405 Configuration Videos Playlist - Click Here

Government Sector configure the Adhar Enabled Biometrics - Click Here

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